For as long as I can remember people have been asking me what we sold at Mother's besides Window Tint. The answer is Added Value. When you make a purchase for your car you want the value of your car to increase. So whatever the product is, when we install it the product and our labor must add value to the vehicle. It's a simple test we apply to all parts and all of our labor. Our Installation Team is well trained to add value and their slogan is Done Once Done Right.
We maintain premium online technical assistance services from multiple websites to make sure our staff has the latest and best information on hand. We don't rush job anyone. When we work on your car it is the most important car in the world to the technician assigned to it. Installers who treat cars that way have a long and happy career at Mother's.
Our apprentices spend years honing their craft under the dashboards of thousands of cars alongside our seasoned veterans. Do we ever make mistakes? Yes, of course we do, but it is how we handle them that counts. WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CAR. We make certain the job is Done Once Done Right and that we ADD VALUE to your car.